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Text File | 1991-08-05 | 6.8 KB | 147 lines | [ TEXT/QED1]
About Condor… Condor is a Tabby NetMail-compatible utility to regulate download quotas per month for a Second Sight BBS. To do so, it counts downloads each night, and if they exceed a pre-set level it sets or clears a user restriction flag defined by the sysop. Another sysop-defined user flag grants selected users immunity to the quota. Once a month, on a day determined by the sysop, Condor clears all download restriction flags and starts over. Since Condor operates on a month to month basis, everyone is “born again” on the magic day. There is no accumulation of guilt or impossible upload quotas. To use Condor, choose your figure -- I let users download 25 files per month -- then install a flag-sensitive menu command leading to your files and put Condor in your nightly chain of events. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic Setup Copy Condor to the same level as TabbyNet. Open Condor while holding down the mouse button to configure it. Supply the following items of information: • Default launch. This is normally the name of your BBS program. It is used only when Condor can’t find a valid entry in the launch.next file. A “Find” button allows you to select the application from a file dialog. • Day of Month. This is the day on which you want Condor to reset all download figures. I allow you to configure it so you can run it off schedule as necessary in case your board was down on the magic day. • Log Location. This is where Condor stores its data file. A “Find” button allows you to select the location from a file dialog. This file is normally called “DL List” (if you want to rename it for some reason, you can do so by altering STR 507 with ResEdit). • No DLs. This is the flag which Condor sets to notify your menu that a user has exceeded the download limit. It must be a number between 1 and 24. You can choose to have Condor set or clear this flag on the basis of download totals. • Immune. This flag grants the user immunity to processing by Condor. It must be a number between 1 and 24 and can be either set or cleared to indicate its status. • Max DLs. This is the maximum downloads allowed non-immune users per month. • Victim Log. If this is enabled, Condor keeps a log of users who hit the “magic number.” This log, normally called “Victims Log” (if you want to rename it for some reason, you can do so by altering STR 508 with ResEdit) is kept in the Log Location. • Upload Credit. If you want to credit this month’s uploads against the Max DLs figure, enter a number here. For instance, if you enter 5, a user with two uploads would not be flagged until s/he hit the Max DLs + 10 figure. Enter a zero if you don’t want to credit uploads. • Msg Credit. Works just like Upload Credit, but based on this month’s public messages. Once you have configured Condor, edit the RRH/SS menu leading to your file section and install two commands with the same command letter and access level setting. Define the first so it is used if the user’s flag matches the NoDLs flag setting. In my case, I used a Command 14 to display a text file notifying the user that he or she has exceeded the monthly quota. Define the second command so that it is used if the user’s flag doesn’t match the NoDLs flag setting, and use it to branch to your file menu. (Note: unless you’re doing something fancy, I don’t recommend that you try to use the Immune flag to alter menu behavior. The Immune flag is used just to notify Condor not to alter the NoDLs flag for a given user. It’s easiest to use the NoDLs flag as the menu toggle.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How Condor Works Every night, Condor reads the UserLog. For each user who has downloaded one or more files, it compares that user’s download total against a “snapshot” of the UserLog taken on the “magic day” you’ve specified. If the difference exceeds Max DLs, it sets or clears (depending on configuration) the No DLs flag for that user unless the user has the correct Immune flag, in which case no change is made. In calculating the net download total, Condor applies credits as applicable for uploads or public messages. Once a month, on the Day of Month you set, Condor takes a new snapshot of the UserLog and toggles all No DLs flag to “off.” Then Condor sorts its snapshot data file (this sort enables Condor to more quickly work with the log during subsequent sessions). This data file consists of the names of all users with one or more downloads, along with their download, upload and public message totals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the “Over Limit” text file I use: You have exceeded your download quota of 25 files this month. The Glassell Park BBS enforces download quotas to give everyone fair access to the file sections. Please feel free to explore other features of the BBS while you wait for the file sections to reopen. Downloads are reset automatically on the first of each month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrinkles and Notes If you set a 25-file maximum and someone calls with 24 downloads, this setup will cheerfully let the person into the downloads section. Also, since Condor is set to work only at night, a user can sometimes exceed Condor’s limits with a couple of calls during the day. You can control the damage by limiting repeat callers with the SS/RRH Config file. But even in the worst case, you’ll only get beat up for one day of the month. Condor has no limitations in terms of how many users it can process, but if you are running under MultiFinder or System 7 and you have a lot of users -- 1,000 or more -- you should probably increase Condor’s memory requirement. It’s set for 200K as shipped. Condor’s data is a readable text file in the following format: DAN FISHBURN 1 0 0 DANIEL KRABONEN 2 2 1 DAVID LANCE 12 0 8 Lines are sorted alphabetically by first+last name. Columns 32-39 contain the download total, columns 40-47 contain uploads and columns 48-55 contain public messages. These totals are current as of the “magic day” and are used for comparison the rest of the month. Condor is ©1991 by Pete Johnson, with all rights reserved. Condor is a bonus BBS utility supplied with the AMUG “BBS in a Box” CD-ROM. License is granted to registered owners of “BBS in a Box” to use Condor, but it may not further be distributed without my specific written permission. Don’t make it available as a download or send it to a commercial network. -- Pete Johnson PETERJ on GEnie Glassell Park BBS (213) 254-4133 Post Office Box 65074 Los Angeles, CA 90065 August 5, 1991